Mastering Your Technology Stack to Win

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Dre Jones

Building digital marketing and progressive campaigns that win.

Building a marketing technology stack is like putting together a puzzle with varying levels of difficulty and pieces. With the addition of new solutions daily, the process of sifting through the pieces becomes increasingly challenging. To approach building a technology stack, one should separate the pieces into similar groups and connect them to fit into the larger picture.

Sales and marketing executives may feel like CTOs due to the time commitment required to research, select, and implement new technologies. Furthermore, marketing and sales budgets are shifting to technological solutions, with CMOs predicted to spend more on technology than CIOs. This is because organizations want to discover who their buyers are, what motivates them, what pains they face, and how to keep them happy. Each solution within a technology stack should serve one of these purposes.

Old-school marketing and sales techniques are no longer cutting it, as buyers have become smarter and expect a selling experience that values them and their individual needs. Organizations need to understand the buyer’s journey and map a marketing technology stack to the journey to gain an advantage.

CRM, marketing automation platforms, sales enablement solutions, account-based marketing platforms, and sales readiness solutions are important for reaching buyers and understanding their motivations. There is no one-size-fits-all marketing technology stack, and selecting specific solutions depends on various factors ranging from budget to personal preferences. Building the right marketing technology stack is essential to understanding buyers and meeting their needs.


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